How To Obtain Your RAP Sheet
Were you arrested in Illinois and want to get your case sealed or expunged in Cook County? Is a prospective employer or the military asking for your criminal background? If so, you need a copy of your ‘Record of Arrests and Prosecutions’, also known as your RAP sheet. To obtain your RAP sheet, you will need to be fingerprinted and fill out some forms.
If you live in or near Chicago, the process is pretty simple. In fact, if you live in Chicago, you must obtain your RAP sheet in person. Also, this is process for adults only. Someone 16 years or younger must contact the Youth Division at 312-745-6004.

Obtain Your RAP Sheet at Chicago Police Department main office at 3510 S. Michigan Ave.
First, go to the Chicago Police Department’s main office at 3510 S. Michigan Ave in Chicago. You can only get fingerprinted from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Monday through Friday. Parking is difficult and the process can take some time, so I recommend showing up well before noon. Don’t count on them staying open past noon for you.
When you walk in the front door of the building, head to the room immediately to your left. Check-in at the Access and Review window and let them know you want a copy of your RAP sheet. You’ll need to show your valid state driver’s license or ID card and fill out a basic form. Complete the “REQUEST FOR ACCESS AND REVIEW” form and bring it to cashier window #3 or #4. The fee is $16 and can be paid in cash, check, credit card, or money order. You’ll be given a pink receipt. Keep this.
Next you’ll be called up and fingerprinted. They take prints of all fingers and your palms. Fortunately, it is done on a computer scanner and not with ink and paper. The fingerprinting process only takes about 5 minutes.
Unfortunately, you will not immediately receive your RAP sheet. You’ll need to return again in a week to pick it up. Do not wait longer than 1 month. If you do, you’ll have to start the process over again.
You must go pick up your RAP sheet in person. Your RAP sheet cannot be mailed and you cannot have a friend or relative pick it up. Just go back to window #1 at 3510 S. Michigan with your identification and pink receipt. You’ll be given a copy of your Chicago RAP sheet.
If you do not live in the City of Chicago, you must be fingerprinted at your local police station and then complete the process by mail. Detailed instructions are available from the Chicago Police Department and can be accessed here.
After successfully obtaining your RAP sheet, get the original to your attorney and they should be able to determine if you are eligible to have your arrests expunged or sealed.